
Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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  • Массаж

    Depending on the purposes and means of influence for a surface of a body, in sports practice distinguish sports, реабилетационный and сегментарно-reflex massage (and self-massage). Also distinguish local and general{common} massage. Подробнее...

    Division of various kinds of massage conditionally enough as all of them can be applied with the medical purpose. In turn, each of the listed kinds is subdivided into subspecies and has the problems{tasks}. Подробнее...

    Sports massage is applied to improvement of the sports form, removal of exhaustion and preventive maintenance of traumas and diseases of the опорно-impellent device. Sports massage includes prestarting (mobilization) and regenerative massage. Подробнее...

    Prestarting massage is carried out{spent} before training (competition). The primary goal is preparation of the nervous - muscular device, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the prevention{warning} of traumas of the опорно-impellent device. Distinguish calming and stimulating massage. Подробнее...

    Regenerative massage is shown upon termination of essential physical (and mental) loadings. His{its} purpose is restoration of a functional condition of the sportsman, increase of physical serviceability, removal of the general{common} exhaustion. As a rule, the general{common} regenerative massage, less often local (for example, in breaks between performances{statements}) is carried out{spent}. After the big physical loadings it{he} has sparing character, and in days of rest - deeper. Подробнее...

    It is necessary to take into account a degree of exhaustion and a mental condition of the sportsman. So, at carrying out of prestarting massage the account of a mental condition plays a leaging role (at mental excitation calming massage is shown, at apathy - stimulating). Influence on a surface of a body is carried out by various ways (special receptions). It: поглаживание, grinding, разминание, squeezing, похлопывание, рубление, поколачивание. Besides there is a number{line} of auxiliary receptions, and also active - passive movements in joints. Depending on used receptions, their force and duration of influence it is possible to receive tonic or calming effect. Подробнее...

    Rehabilitation massage apply at restoration of physical serviceability of the sportsman after long breaks in training, after operative interventions (removal{distance} of meniscuses, operation on ахилловом a sinew, etc.) . Massage can be and the general{common} (2-3 times a week) and local (daily, and at the first stage of treatment-2-3 times day). Massage at traumas and diseases removals of a painful syndrome, рассасывания a hypostasis apply in early terms to normalization крово-and лимфотока, hematomas, regenerations of fabrics, normalization of oxidation-reduction processes. At the first stage of treatment it{he} is carried out{spent} in a combination to a cold, on the second - with thermal procedures. Massage by ice do{make} at the first 2-4 o'clock after a trauma. Then холодовые procedures alternate{interleave} with thermal. Action of a cold on a fabric of an organism is accompanied anesthetizing, гомеостатическим and anti-inflammatory effect. The cold reduces sensitivity of the nervous terminations{endings}, removing painful sensations. Under influence of massage by ice the amplitude of movements in a massed joint increases, and the cold reduces a hypostasis of injured fabrics. Подробнее...

    Сегментарно-рефлекторныи massage - one of methods of influence on reflex zones of a skin surface of a body. At influence on segments of a spinal cord arise so-called кожно-висцеральные (internal) reflexes causing changes of activity of internal bodies and blood circulation in them. Depending on receptions distinguish segmentary, соединительнотканный, периостальный, dot, шиатсу and other kinds of сегментарно-reflex massage. All of them are applied with the medical purpose in sports practice. Подробнее...

    Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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