
Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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  • профессиональный массаж

    According to the Indian philosophy, somewhere in area темечка there is Сахасрара, the maximum{supreme} power чакра. " Influence on this zone not only weakens, but also improves memory, makes active perception{recognition} and opens ways of an exchange энергиями ", - explain practice of the Indian technics{technical equipment}. Massage of a head soft поглаживаниями and pleasant vibrations with weakening oils of grasses is the Indian method originating in the ancient doctrine of the Ayurveda. This technics{technical equipment} counterbalances nervous system, removes emotional stress and a headache, and at the end of a session from top up to кончиков fingers is spilled warmly, the intense look disappears, the leather{skin} is smoothed, circles under eyes decrease, and there is a colour. Подробнее...

    In India and China massage was carried out by clerics. It is necessary to tell, that in these countries there were schools in which trained in receptions of massage. Massage in a primitive variant was applied in America and Africa. Quesnoy writes, that natives of Africa and peoples of the East do not have any illness which would not treat massage. Подробнее...

    Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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