массаж рук
Till XIX century massage has not been scientifically proved. And only in XIX century in Europe and from his{its} second half in Russia the first clinical and experimental works on massage have appeared. Oustanding Russian scientists V.M.Bekhterev, S.P.Botkin, L.G.Belljarminov, V.A.Manassein, A.E.Scherbak and many others were engaged in this area of medicine. The clinic of professor V.A.Manasseina was left with some dissertations on massage. The considerable contribution to perfection of technics{technical equipment} and a technique of massage has brought in I.V.Zabludovsky, he{it} publishes set of books and scientific works and the school of massage in Berlin has been organized. Подробнее...
Алания - the resort city, his{its} most extensive suburbs are to a turn identical, ощетиненных balconies of hotels - they differ on a kind only color. The city is well-known for an ancient fortress on cape and free-of-charge city beaches - on them we and the staying two and a half of day gathered проваляться. Actually to time remained equally a day less - appeared, that up to Trabzon from here to go not night as we hoped, and day with хвостиком - that is to leave from Алании it is necessary on Wednesday not late at night, and at all even in first half of day. Подробнее...