
Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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    At ancient Slavs and peoples of the North were applied закаливающие procedures and massage as sections, grindings by a broom, active movements. This form of massage which at ancient Slavs referred to хвощением, is described in annals Нестора. Russian and Finns, having washed up, passed in strongly heated up steam room where the bathhouse attendant whipped their birch broom softened in water, then pounded them, then poured warm and cold water alternately (several buckets) over all body from a head up to legs{foots}. Section a broom, on Ardouin (1815), not that other, as extremely strong grinding. Thus on all body it is carried out{is spent} скобление and пастиоание by a broom from top to down. This double reception raises a leather{skin} and provides harmlessness at immersing during a snow or ice water after a bath. Подробнее...

    From exotic kinds of massage at us are most distributed шиатсу and амма. " Амма "means" calm a hand ". This unusual technique has been invented blind for which massage was way to earn to itself for a life. For some millenia of years амма it was transformed to special philosophy of healing by a method акупрессуры and акупунктуры, that is pressing on the certain points or areas of a body. Амма as east kind of massage, is based on the doctrine about streams of the energy circulating in an organism. Representatives of east medicine are sure that massage is independently capable to relieve the person if not of everything from very plenty of diseases. In most cases diagnostics is carried out{spent} by the master of east massage independently and at once the medical rate is defined{determined}. In амма are used поглаживание, разминание, a stretching and поколачивание bodies in the locations акупрессурных points. To application амма it is much less than contra-indications, than to the European massage. Подробнее...

    Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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