
Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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  • массаж плеч

    The cabin has got on a forage, каптерка in combination, anybody, except for us, there to lodge did not begin. Through часик have sailed away, we have stood on a deck up to an output{exit} from water area and have gone $quickly{fast} - quickly to fall asleep - in dream not so rocks to sleep. I have woken up from a terrible roar - ours лайбу wound so, that рундуки for things (hard enough) were put forward and at stacking on other board - moved back. Half of passengers drinks vodka in a bar, half тошнило on cabins, the blessing a bowl with water is in each cabin. So with weather in navigation to us has not carried neither on a way there, nor on a way back - dolphins, on hearings accompanying the ships, we have not seen, for even a nose did not put out on a deck - the kind raised from horizon up to horizon of waves does not promote reduction of a nausea. In 14 hours of bedlam have moored in Sochi. Подробнее...

    Costs of the small bus company - ништячками in road did not indulge, coffee have given to drink only the next morning, плюшку too gave only once, the rest of the time is continuous поили water, have got naturally. Passed Ankara at night, however did not see and has not remembered - slept strong as far as it is possible in a sedentary condition. Since morning behind windows already familiar landscape - at the left the sea, on the right small towns flashed - Samsun - Trabzon we passed a site on a way from Trabzon in Kayseri in the beginning of travel. Finished in 3 o'clock in the afternoon, have left, have taken an azimuth on port - the road is already familiar, in долмуш to sit did not begin. On a way at me has not sustained a thong at a sandal - it was necessary приволакивать a leg{foot} to not lose. Tickets on the return ship have bought without problems - they appeared for 20 dollars more cheaply, than in Sochi - she{it}, thirst of a profit at our compatriots! Подробнее...

    Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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