массаж воротничковой зоны
Extract Banaba. The given vegetative component is done{made} of a unique grass левзии. It is proved, that this grass - a powerful stimulator of transport of glucose. An active component of an extract is колосолиевая (colosolic) the acid, capable to lower a level of glucose in blood. As consequence{investigation}, the mechanism энергорасхода starts to use hypodermic fat in quality of "fuel". Жиросжигающий the effect of an extract is proved to scientific experiences. Подробнее...
Additional sources of fiber and the amino acids, widely used now are issued as high-grade легкоусвояемых ready dry food mixes (высокобелковых concentrates), containing high concentration сывороточных, egg, dairy and soya fibers with comprehensibility not less than 95 %, and also аминокислотных complexes (as capsules, tablets and liquid concentrates). Their basic purpose{assignment} - additional enrichment of a usual diet by fiber and irreplaceable amino acids. Подробнее...