массаж азотом
Massage has arisen at early stages of development of national medicine. In an antiquity people at various illnesses and pains applied разминание, поколачиваие bodies. There are data, that massage is a lot of centuries back inhabitants on islands of Pacific ocean applied as medical means. The history of occurrence of a word "massage" is interesting. So, one authors consider, that it has taken place from Arabian mass or masch (gently to knead, press), others - from Greek masso (to rub, rumple, compress hands), the third - from latin massa (sticking to fingers.) Massage since ancient times made a part of iatrotechnics. Hindus and Chinese were the first who has described receptions of massage. Amiot (1779) has transferred{translated} the most ancient Chinese book Cong-Fou written of 3000 years up to н. э., in which besides gymnastic and corporal exercises various receptions of massage are resulted. Chinese applied massage to treatment of rheumatic pains, dislocations, removals of weariness, a spasm of muscles and so forth. By words Osbeck, Chinese pounded hands all body, squeezing gently muscles between fingers and making especial twitchings in joints. These twitchings were accompanied by a crash heard on significant distance. In sacred books of India Ayur-Veda (1800 up to н. э.), Which has transferred{translated} Hessler (1854), in the book of the fourth receptions are described, which hindus used at various diseases. Massage at them consist in gentle разминании all body - from the top finitenesses up to stop. Hindus have connected steam a bath to massage. Here is how describes Petit-Radel performance of massage in steam: "... On the heated iron plates splash known quantity{amount} of water which, evaporating is distributed in space and will penetrate into a naked body of everyone taking place in a premise{room}. When the body is well humidified, it{him} stretch{drag out} on a floor, and two servants on one from each party{side} are pressed with various force with members which muscles are extremely weakened, then mass a stomach and a breast. After that it{him} overturn also similar pressure make and from a back surface of a body ". Подробнее...
п-Карнитин operates as a receptor and memory substance for the activated fatty acids in целлюлярном a metabolism and thereof п-Карнитин plays a main role at splitting fats and manufacture of energy. Superfluous fats, acting from food in blood, quickly collect in fatty depots of an organism (a hypodermic, a liver, etc.). Many substances are capable to split fats in blood even before their hit in depot (for example, enzymes - липазы, caffeine, etc.) . Thus in a plenty fat acids and glycerin which will badly penetrate into cells{cages} where can burn down with formation{education} of energy are formed. Карнитин helps fats to penetrate through a cellular environment inside of a cell{cage}. In clinical researches п-Карнитин appeared effective for the essential weight reduction, essential decrease{reduction} in an index of weight of a body (specifying significant approach{approximation} ideal weight) and essential decrease{reductions} in the maintenance{contents} of fat of a body at his{its} use as component in the general{common} program of weight reduction. п-Карнитин also it is effective for regulation of weight in application together with other dietary feed{meal} as, for example хромиум пиколинат (хром). п-Карнитин helps at adjustment of weight by increase in speed at which there is a splitting fatty acids, increasing residual speed of a metabolism (speed at which the body burns calories to support functions of a body), providing synthesis of a protein (muscles) and whenever possible causing suppression of appetite. Подробнее...