
Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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  • антицеллютный массаж

    On counters of shops of a sports feed{meal} you can see the most different proteins: dairy, soya, meat, vegetable, egg, from dairy whey... Until recently бесконкурентным the protein from dairy whey was considered as a favorite of a sports feed{meal}. First, it{he} is acquired faster, than egg, and second, has higher biological value. There are also other pluss. Сывороточный the protein differs very high concentration of amino acids with ramified circuits (ВСАА) and it is easy, without комков, is dissolved in water. Подробнее...

    It is modern interpretation of ancient ritual of "initiation" which there passed all Hawaiian girls who have reached{achieved} a maturity. Elements of massage once were movements of the shaman manipulating the maiden body, and had symbolical sense. Some traditions were kept. Around of a couch two cups (with water and with the ground) and small свечка are put, that should help a unification of forces of the nature for the period of a session of massage. Aromas, aromatic oils, ethnic rhythms and movements - vigorous, smooth, intensive - in a combination to technics{technical equipment} "circulating" - breath fill a body with force and energy. Подробнее...

    Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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