техника массажа при целлюлите
Receptions of massage were well known in Ancient Egypt. Egyptians combined it{him} with influence of a bath. Alpinis (1583) so describes grinding and other receptions spent for baths of Egypt: " ... Grindings have been distributed in such degree, that nobody left a bath, not подвергшись to massage. For this purpose pounded stretched{dragged out}, rumpled, pressed on every possible лады hands various parts of a body. Then did{made} some movements in various joints. All this in the beginning made in front, and then behind and from sides. Then, вытянувши hands, made the same and on them: bent, stretched{dragged out} various joints of all hand, then each finger separately, then passed to a forearm, a shoulder, a breast, a back, bending them in the various parties{sides}. Not being content with bending, a stretching and massage of joints, subjected to the same pressure and grindings all muscles " .Н On the alabaster bas-relief found in a palace ассирийского of tsar Sanheriba in Ниневии, and also on some Egyptian papyruses the images of massage manipulations confirming the assumption are found out, that assyrians, Persians, Egyptians not only were familiar with massage, but also applied it{him} with the medical purpose. In poems Гомера it is told about how Цирцея in a bath умащивала Одиссея oils and pounded his{its} ointments, and women kneaded bodies of soldiers before battles. On a bas-relief representing Улисса, come back after fight, we see receptions of the massage used by ancient Greeks. Oustanding Greek doctors Геродикос, Гиппократ and others in the works described many receptions of massage. In days of Гиппократа massage was used with the hygienic and medical purposes (at diseases of joints and dislocations). So, Гиппократ wrote: " ... The joint can be compressed and weakened massage. Friction causes tightening or a relaxation of fabrics, conducts to исхуданию or to completeness, dry and often friction pulls together, and soft, gentle and moderate утолщает fabrics ". Widely propagandized massage Орибаз living in days of emperor Juliana. Massage (or апотерапия) in Ancient Greece, as a rule, was carried out{was spent} in baths in a combination to corporal exercises of active or passive character, натиранием by oils and ointments. The Greek doctors (Асклепиад and his{its} pupils) have opened the schools of massage in Ancient Rome. Асклепиад divided massage on dry and with oils, strong and weak, short-term and long; Цельс recommended grindings for removal{distance} of adjournment and выпотов in fabrics; well-known Гален, the head physician of school of gladiators in Pergamum, has established nine kinds of massage and has described their technique. Widely апотерапия it was applied in terms (the Roman baths) where there were rooms (тренидариумы), specially intended for massage. There slaves kneaded and pounded bodies bathing. Preparing{going} to massage, the last made various gymnastic exercises. Then all body was massed and rubred with oils. Romans have entered massage into system of the militarian and physical training. X-XI are marked by blossoming of the Arabian medicine centuries. Its{her} known representatives Абу-Бакр, Абу Ибн-Сина (Авиценна) have developed new methods of treatment and the prevention{warning} of various diseases. In the works " the Canon of a medical science " and " the Book of healing " Авиценна has given the detailed description of receptions of massage. Подробнее...
In the meantime day has passed for half, and we have moved to yesterday's tourist agency, whence us should take away "банный" a minibus. Банный the complex where we have bought билетики, refers to " the Sultan to boors " - " Султанские a bath ". Even before trip we have read in a network, that at a choice of a bath it is not necessary to aspire to save - it is possible to get in a close and dirty kennel with a minimum of convenience. Our bath has settled down at once behind the city, a separate complex of buildings. On an input{entrance} to us have given out ключик for personal кабинки - with the help of a thong with a fastener it{he} fastens to a hand when it{he} already could not be put more. Bedsheets and тапки can be taken directly in a bath though it is better to have the. At once find out, in what language the client speaks and put the girl - guide - ours called Полина, she{it} to us at once has read introduction lecture and was ready to help therein. First it was necessary полчасика попариться in a sauna or a steam room and to become wet in ice pool or a jacuzzi - a dirty отмочить. Sauna cool, it is necessary to tell, and the steam room is a premise{room} trim with a tile where from cracks under a ceiling goes heated up pairs - if under a jet the pair to put a head - is felt, that it{he} even hot:) . Then actually to boors - a turkish bath: пилинг - the bathhouse attendant naturally peels{fleeces} the client rigid рукавичкой without a soap (after him{it}, to us have told, is more equal ложится sunburn, it is useful for classical health-resort visitors) and massage by a soapsuds - lay to itself on a warm marble, and the bathhouse attendant shakes up foam in a rag bag and piles up atop of you a snowdrift from it{her}. Банных premises{rooms} two - female and mixed. In mixed clients обоего to a floor, bathhouse attendants too, and in female accordingly women both those and others. The ambassador пилинга, foams and soul of the client put{plant} on a shop, water, wash a head, roll up in a towel and send релаксировать on лежачок - up to a call on massage of minutes through 5. Massage is done{made} with oil of a walnut, sensation fine - in details knead from a nape up to пяток. Among массажисток was two Russian girls - they there at all a rarity, have married for the Turk and have got accustomed. Подробнее...