массаж для беременных
So, we shall sum up. Карнитин - the low-molecular food additive which renders жиросжигающее action. A wide circulation карнитин has received as means for growing thin (including in various combinations with lame, caffeine, etc.). As карнитин does not possess any by-effects, the product is appointed long rates for 2-4 weeks everyone, depending on physical loadings. A single doze of reception of 500-1000 mg 30-40 minutes prior to any physical loading or 15-20 minutes prior to meal. Подробнее...
Application антиоксидантных complexes of vitamins reduces fatigue, improves восстанавливаемость at physical loading, improves the general{common} functional condition an organism and will neutralize harmful factors of an environment, raise resistibility of immune system. It is recommended, in particular to smokers. Подробнее...