
Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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  • лечебный массаж для позвоночника

    Actually, on it the prepaid procedures come to an end - further you to themselves the owner, it is necessary to distribute only the tip to the personnel working with you - or personally, or in a box special to put something about dollar to everyone. In a bath it is possible though all the day to stick out - for a sauna and pools of additional money do not take, only for a meal, binge and additional services such as the cosmetician and the barber. Interested persons already to leave sit in a small hall at little tables and are treated free-of-charge apple is expected - the special girl learns{finds out} from everything where them{him;it} to go and writes down in блокнотик. When to people in one direction it is typed{collected} on the bus, she{it} informs - it is possible to go. On an output{exit} it is necessary to hand over that номерок and to pay off for above permitted standard services - the account is exposed on номерок. Total, into 20 dollars for the ticket enter: delivery there and back, whence and where you will tell, a sauna, пилинг, massage, the help of the guide, a glass морса up to and a glass to tea the ambassador. Not bad, it is necessary to tell. Подробнее...

    In the Middle Ages massage, as well as employment{occupations} by physical exercises, in Europe practically was not applied. Only with occurrence in XIV - XV centuries of works on anatomy Монди де Сиучи, Бертуччио, Пиетро Егилата some interest to medical gymnastics and massage has woken up also. De Choul, the adviser of king Henry II, has written the book about baths and corporal exercises of ancient Greeks and римлян A. Pare, the founder of surgery, in XVI century has described massage and his{its} influence on an organism of the person. The same century well-known Меркулиус has collected the literature of that time on massage and gymnastics and has written the known composition " Art of gymnastics " in which has described three kinds of grinding: weak, strong and average. In 1771 Andry has published the two-volume book on orthopedy where has in detail enough told about massage. In 1780 composition Tissot on physical exercises and massage where it{he} in details described various grindings has appeared. Подробнее...

    Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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