
Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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    Actually, on it the prepaid procedures come to an end - further you to themselves the owner, it is necessary to distribute only the tip to the personnel working with you - or personally, or in a box special to put something about dollar to everyone. In a bath it is possible though all the day to stick out - for a sauna and pools of additional money do not take, only for a meal, binge and additional services such as the cosmetician and the barber. Interested persons already to leave sit in a small hall at little tables and are treated free-of-charge apple is expected - the special girl learns{finds out} from everything where them{him;it} to go and writes down in блокнотик. When to people in one direction it is typed{collected} on the bus, she{it} informs - it is possible to go. On an output{exit} it is necessary to hand over that номерок and to pay off for above permitted standard services - the account is exposed on номерок. Total, into 20 dollars for the ticket enter: delivery there and back, whence and where you will tell, a sauna, пилинг, massage, the help of the guide, a glass морса up to and a glass to tea the ambassador. Not bad, it is necessary to tell. Подробнее...

    According to the Indian philosophy, somewhere in area темечка there is Сахасрара, the maximum{supreme} power чакра. " Influence on this zone not only weakens, but also improves memory, makes active perception{recognition} and opens ways of an exchange энергиями ", - explain practice of the Indian technics{technical equipment}. Massage of a head soft поглаживаниями and pleasant vibrations with weakening oils of grasses is the Indian method originating in the ancient doctrine of the Ayurveda. This technics{technical equipment} counterbalances nervous system, removes emotional stress and a headache, and at the end of a session from top up to кончиков fingers is spilled warmly, the intense look disappears, the leather{skin} is smoothed, circles under eyes decrease, and there is a colour. Подробнее...

    Медицинская ассоциация Мерамед Массаж:

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