массажные клиники
Products of a series " substitutes of food " or " substitutes of a feed{meal} " (англ, meal replacement) is a high-quality dietary feed{meal} which contains all vital vitamins, microcells and mineral substances, but as against many natural products (for example, meat), do not contain пуринов. Such products are distinguished with the low maintenance{contents} of fat. The portion of such product, as a rule, contains essentially less calories, than usual reception peep. By virtue of it, at regular replacement of one or several receptions peep in the portion of " substitutes of food " there is a gradual reduction of a fatty layer. If thus you actively go in for sports, probably even more intensive weight reduction. Substitutes of food contain all necessary for an organism macrocells, the ballast substances, necessary vitamins, a plenty of magnesium, calcium and other important microcells. They instantly mix up with water and do not contain some lactose. Подробнее...
So, we shall sum up. Карнитин - the low-molecular food additive which renders жиросжигающее action. A wide circulation карнитин has received as means for growing thin (including in various combinations with lame, caffeine, etc.). As карнитин does not possess any by-effects, the product is appointed long rates for 2-4 weeks everyone, depending on physical loadings. A single doze of reception of 500-1000 mg 30-40 minutes prior to any physical loading or 15-20 minutes prior to meal. Подробнее...